Collection: HEMP WICKS

What is a Hemp wick?
A hemp wick is a thin, twine-like cord made from hemp fibers coated in beeswax. It is commonly used as an alternative to traditional lighters or matches for lighting smoking devices, such as pipes, bongs, and joints, particularly among cannabis enthusiasts.
The process of using a hemp wick involves lighting the end of the wick with a lighter or match and then using the lit wick to ignite the cannabis. Some people prefer using hemp wicks over direct flame from lighters or matches for several reasons:
Reduced Exposure to Butane: Traditional lighters use butane gas, which can alter the flavor of the cannabis and potentially introduce harmful chemicals when inhaled. Hemp wicks provide a natural, chemical-free alternative for lighting cannabis.
Improved Flavor: Because hemp wicks burn at a lower temperature compared to direct flame from lighters, they are believed to produce a cleaner and more flavorful smoking experience. This is especially appreciated by those who enjoy the taste nuances of different cannabis strains.
Precision Lighting: The thin, flexible nature of hemp wicks allows for more precise control when lighting smoking devices, helping to prevent accidental burns and ensuring an even burn of the cannabis.
Environmental Benefits: Hemp wicks are made from sustainable hemp fibers and beeswax, making them an eco-friendly choice compared to disposable lighters, which contribute to plastic waste.