Collection: HEMP WRAPS

What is a Hemp Wrap?
Hemp wraps are a type of rolling paper made from hemp fibers, which are derived from the hemp plant. These wraps are used as an alternative to traditional tobacco-based rolling papers and are favored by many cannabis enthusiasts for their natural composition and smooth smoking experience.
Hemp wraps offer several advantages over traditional rolling papers:
Natural Material: Hemp wraps are made from hemp fibers, which are naturally derived from the hemp plant. They do not contain tobacco or nicotine, making them a healthier alternative for those who prefer to avoid tobacco products.
Smooth Smoking Experience: Hemp wraps are known for providing a smooth, slow-burning smoke that complements the flavor of the cannabis inside. They are often preferred by those who appreciate the natural taste and aroma of cannabis without the interference of additives or chemicals.
Environmentally Friendly: Hemp is a sustainable and renewable resource that requires fewer pesticides and water compared to other crops. Hemp wraps are biodegradable and compostable, making them an environmentally friendly choice for conscientious consumers.
Variety: Hemp wraps come in a variety of flavors and sizes to suit different preferences and rolling styles. Common flavors include natural, fruity, and herbal options, allowing users to customize their smoking experience.
To use a hemp wrap, the user typically fills it with ground cannabis, rolls it into a cylindrical shape, and seals it with a lick or adhesive strip. The filled wrap is then lit and smoked like a traditional cigarette or joint.
Hemp wraps are widely available at smoke shops, dispensaries, and online retailers. They are a popular choice among cannabis enthusiasts who value natural, eco-friendly smoking alternatives.